Registration for the final event of the season (including AGM) is now available at: Tim Williams has been on the committee for the past decade. Performing the roles of president or vice president and donating his time and effort to help the association and wave sailing. He has taken on a new teaching job in Adelaide where he can work on his light onshore sailing. We wish him goodluck and thank him for his massive contribution. The last event of the season is coming up in a couple of week, February 28- March 1st at Gerroa/Windang. This will be run using the fun expression session format and it is sure to be a great weekend away so lock it into the calendar. A part of the final event is the associations Annual General Meeting. With Tim Williams leaving, we need new committee members to put there hands up and help grow the sport and the association. I have tried to reinvigorate the association with a more social and fun environment to help attract new members, implementing the expression session/super session format along with the dedicated state titles. This year we have had 26 brand new members join the association and had over 40 competitors at the State Titles, one of the highest participation events for over 6 years. The sport is having a resurgence and we all need to help that resurgence, getting more friends into it and along to the events. They are a fun weekend away for even non competitors. The AGM will be discussing all the formal requirements along with suggestions for growth. The committee will be elected so if you think you can lend a hand, come along and nominate yourself for a position.