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An Interview with James Fink

Interview with 2017/18 overall Juniors division winner and current leader James Fink (Conducted in March 2018 by Rob Jacobs)

Hi James,

Let’s start with some easy questions:

Age: 14 this year

School: Kirrawee High School

What Year are you in: Year 8

Was 2017/18 your first year competing in the NSW Wavesailing series?

Yes my first year

How many events did you manage to get to that year?

I went to 3 events, Wanda in December and Gerroa in January and February.

How did you you like the events?

They were really good fun

Which was your favourite event?

I think it was my second one which was the January event in Gerroa. Two other juniors, Daniel and Adam were there so it was a really good competition and the conditions were really good.

What is the vibe like amongst the Juniors?

It’s pretty chilled – but we are competitive once we get in the water

OK, lets talk about your gear – how much do you weigh and what sail sizes do you use?

I weigh 52kgs, and I use a 2.9m2 and a 4.2m2 sail.

And what about boards James, what are you riding there?

I use my Dad’s 104L board

Do you have any Wavesailing goals?

No not really I’m just setting small goals. I am focusing on trying to improve in all aspects of my wavesailing.

Who do you look up to on the water – who inspires you?

Oh I don’t know – probably Kai Lenny I really like what he does and how he sails. I really like that he does so many different activities on the water, and he is so good at all of them.

Are there any improvements you think the Association could make to better cater for the Juniors Division?

Well the comps are really fun but perhaps it would be better if they could open it up a bit and invite more juniors along.

Yes it’s really hard to get to events if you don’t have a licence and a car isn’t it?

Sure is – it’s not like surfing where you can ride your bike and just carry your surfboard. Windsurfing has too much gear for that.

(Much thanks and respect to Richard and other parents who facilitate their kids getting to events)

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

The prizes are great so a big thanks to the sponsors for supplying them and especially WindSurfnSnow for all the windsurfing gear – I got some great prizes at the last comp.

Thanks James

The Last Time…

Last TV series you watched?……………………………………………………………………………… Stranger Things
Last movie you saw? …………………………………………………………………………………….. Fast and Furious 7
Last music you bought?……………………………………………………. soundtrack to the Black Panther Movie
Last book you read? ………………………………………………………………………………………. I don’t read much
Last time you made the bed? …………………………………………………………… ha ha I don’t do it very often
Last time you lost your temper? ………………………………………………………………… ah I don’t know really
Last time you felt really stoked with the world? ………… the Merimbula Classic we had a great time
Last time you prayed? ……………………………………………………………………………….. before dinner tonight
Last time you got injured?……………………nothing big since I broke my arm in yr2 on the monkey bars
Last time you laughed out loud? …………………………………at school today with my friends at lunchtime
Last windsurfing trip? ……………………………………………………………………………..the last comp at Gerroa
Last job you would ever want?……………………………………………………………………….cleaning bathrooms
Last piece of clothing you bought? …………………………………………………………… Some cool boardshorts
Last social media post ?…………………………………………………………………I’m on instagram and snapchat
Last words of advice?………………………………………………………………………………………….don’t complain

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