State Titles Sign-on Details

Conditions are looking pretty good this weekend and a double elimination should be achievable. Thursday is possibly going to be a good-excellent day with a nice smallish long period south swell and north east winds. The winds have been starting early recently so an...

The NSW Wavesailing Titles are Here!

REGISTRATION CLOSED Its here! The NSW Wavesailing State Titles are all set for Thursday 13th February – Sunday 16th February. This will be run as a man on man PWA guidelines event so be sure not to miss it, the action is going to be huge to determine the best in the...

Event 3 (Wanda) Registration

Even though it seems the Windang event has just past and many competitors have just competed at the Merimbula sailboard classic, in a weeks time the NSW Wavesailing Association will be converging at Wanda beach for the Wanda WAVE BASH. Recently, there have been some...

Windang Event 2 Sign-on Details

Event 2 is on this weekend! Windang has world class banks at the moment and with the forecasted 12-15 knots, it could be on for both days! No excuses for not coming as the beer is always cold!! Bring your sups as the waves are perfect for a few waves whilst waiting...